

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

What is Endodontic treatment and why do I need it?

Endodontics is a blanket term for all types of root canal treatment. The aim of endodontic treatment is to maintain teeth that have been badly damaged due to decay, disease, injury, or trauma. This causes infection or inflammation of the pulp (nerve) and symptoms may include soreness, sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks, pain, swelling and discolouration of the tooth.

What is the procedure?

Root canal treatment can involve 1 – 3 appointments depending on the severity of the infection and on the complexity of the root canal anatomy.

The first step will be to remove the infected pulp tissue (nerve) from the canals. This will be done mechanically with special root files and chemically with disinfectants.

The root canals will then need to be shaped to accommodate the filling material. Intermediate dressing may be applied to the canals and sealed for a few weeks. Once the tooth has settled, the canals will be obturated (filled) and the tooth itself will be restored. Endodontically treated teeth are usually more prone to fractures, especially if not protected with a crown. This is why, in most cases, a crown would be advised as the preferred method of restoration, however you will be able to discuss all possible options with your dentist.

Root Canal Treatment

Will it hurt?

In our experience, many patients are anxious about root canal treatment. This is largely because it is falsely considered to be a very painful procedure.

While the infected tooth can be extremely painful to begin with, it is important not to delay treatment. To manage the pain and to provide the best possible experience, your dentist might advise you to take some non-prescription painkillers prior to the procedure.

At the beginning of each appointment your dentist will administer local anaesthetic in the form of topical gel followed by an injection. They will wait until the area is sufficiently numb and will not proceed with treatment until you are comfortable. They will also check in with you during the treatment to make sure that you are not in pain.

Post – operative pain is unfortunately quite common and you will be advised to take painkillers for 2 – 3 days after the procedure. It is important to remember that not all patients experience post – op pain and that it can be managed with medication.

In more severe cases, antibiotics might be prescribed either prior to treatment or after.

If you are concerned about post – operative pain levels, you are always welcome to contact us and one of the team will be more than happy to help or guide you.

What are the outcomes of root canal treatment?

Non – complicated endodontic treatment cases have a success rate of over 90% at 5 years*, however your tooth will be evaluated during each of your follow up appointments and your dentist will advise on your progress. These appointments will be scheduled according to your individual needs, most likely every 6 – 18 months and will involve a clinical examination by your dentist and an x-ray to evaluate bone healing.

Symptoms should subside within the first few weeks after treatment, but it will take longer (up to 1 year) for the bone to heal if the infection had previously spread to surrounding tissue.

* NIH: National Library of Medicine

Book An Appointment

    What are the outcomes of root canal treatment?

    Non – complicated endodontic treatment cases have a success rate of over 90% at 5 years*, however your tooth will be evaluated during each of your follow up appointments and your dentist will advise on your progress. These appointments will be scheduled according to your individual needs, most likely every 6 – 18 months and will involve a clinical examination by your dentist and an x-ray to evaluate bone healing.

    Symptoms should subside within the first few weeks after treatment, but it will take longer (up to 1 year) for the bone to heal if the infection had previously spread to surrounding tissue.

    * NIH: National Library of Medicine